Our Congregation is Led by a Plurality of Elders
It is our conviction that the consistent pattern throughout Scripture in each local body of believers are shepherded by a plurality of God-ordained elders. This leadership pattern is also called Biblical Eldership through the principle of shared leadership.
The focal point of leadership in our Kehilah are the Elders. An Elder is one among a plurality of biblically qualified men who jointly shepherd and oversee the faith community.​ By following this biblical pattern it is our prayer that we maximize our fruitfulness to the glory of HaShem.
Our Elders and staff are all volunteers, no one is paid by their service to the Community. Our Elders and men are taking advanced Bible courses at TorahResource Institute and Rabbinical classes at the Rabban Gamaliel UMJA Yeshiva
We maintain our Semicha credentials with the United Messianic Jewish Assembly.
"So David shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them with his skillful hands." - Psalms 78:72
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